galston community news


Deployed Strike Teams
It has been a pretty tough start to the fire season across NSW and QLD. RFS crews have been battling out of control blazes in QLD and northern NSW for over a month. Every week a new group of Galston RFB members joined other local brigades in both states to assist in fighting these fires. Thank you to all RFS members who dedicated weeks of their time to be away from their jobs and family to assist communities facing destruction from these fires.

Changes to road rules around emergency services
From now on motorists no longer need to slow down to 40km/h on NSW roads with speed limits of 90km/h or more when passing stationary emergency vehicles with flashing lights. Drivers will need to slow down safely and move over to give them as much space as possible. In speed zones of 80km/h or less, motorists will still need to slow down to 40km/h. The rule will also be expanded to include stationary tow trucks and breakdown assistance vehicles displaying yellow flashing lights.

Can we fit?
During a bush fire our Category 1 (Cat 1) tankers are often used for property protection and to navigate more difficult terrain. They also hold considerably more water than the smaller category tankers.

For this reason, it is important to consider whether a Cat 1 tanker can access your property in case of a bush fire. A Cat 1 tanker is 2.4metres wide, 7.8 metres long and 3.1 metres high + aerials.

In order to fit through your gates and under your trees we prefer a clearance of 4 metres high and 3.5 metres wide.

The Cat 1 tanker also has a 22 metre turning circle, making it difficult to negotiate around sharp corners or perform U-turns.

Another thing to consider is if we will be able to get to the rear of your property. If there are any bridges or grids will they handle the 13.7 tonne load, and if not are they marked accordingly?

For more information about preparing your property for a bush fire please visit the RFS website: or call the Bush Fire Information Line – 1800 NSW RFS (1800 679 737)