galston community news


An Important lesson for the kids
Galston firies had a very enjoyable visit to Galston Long Daycare. We spoke to the kids about what to do in case of a fire, how to get help, and how to ‘get down low and go, go, go’. We also had breathing apparatus operators don their full gear to demonstrate the sounds and sights of a firefighter inside a house fire.

The little trainee firefighters then got their chance to try out some practical skills. With helmets on they used the hose to knock down the ‘fire’, explored the big red fire truck and even got their own personal firefighter helmets to take home.

Thanks to the daycare for letting us share important fire information with the children.

Dumped pile, a rubbish of a job
Galston RFB responded to a rubbish fire last month. The pile of rubbish had been illegally dumped along the roadside on Carr’s Road. Whilst this fire was knocked down quickly with no injuries, illegally dumped waste can create a fire risk and endanger people’s lives by blocking emergency access. This sort of dumping may also contaminate the environment, waterways and soil, and poison plants and animals.

Report all illegal dumping to either Hornsby Council’s Waste Management Team (Waste Hotline – 9847 4856), or the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA Hotline – 131 555).

Anzac Service
Galston RFB were honoured to be part of the ANZAC Sunday Commemoration Service at the Galston cenotaph in mid-April. Members of Galston RFB marched down Galston Road, starting at the Aquatic centre and finishing at the History Cottage. Many members proudly wore medals on their chest from their service and the service of their loved ones. It was humbling to see so many dedicated members of the community in attendance.

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Email: [email protected]