galston community news

Galston Rural Fire Brigade News

New Members

The Galston Rural Fire Brigade would like to congratulate the 12 new members who recently signed up in our recruitment drive for finishing their Bush Firefighter (BF) training course and officially becoming qualified. It’s great to see so many enthusiastic members join the team.

A big thank you also goes out to all involved with their training. Galston firies committed a total of 308 hours to new member training – which doesn’t include the admin hours or the recruitment drive itself, not to mention fire calls, HRs, meetings and additional training put in by everyone during this time. A great team effort!

Pile Burns and Hazard Reductions

Galston RFB have been helping locals prepare for bushfires as the days start to heat up. We attended several pile burns as well as Hazard Reductions in the local area, including one in Radnor Rd.

For more information about preparing your property for a bush fire please visit the RFS website: or call the Bush Fire Information Line – 1800 NSW RFS (1800 679 737)

The Annual Galston Village Santa Run

This much loved and anticipated event will be held on Sunday 23rd December 2018 and will see Santa travel the streets of Galston on board the big red fire truck greeting all the boys and girls.

This years’ schedule:

16:00 – Santa Run Commences, From Galston Fire Brigade
16:00 –Johnson Rd, Lackenwood Rd, Hansen Ave & Hakea Cres
17:00 –Sylvan St, Devon Place, Forest Pl, Glen St & The Glade
18:00 – Gardiner, Martin Rd, Nancy Place
18:30 – The Galston Club (In the Playground Outside)
18:50 – Galston Village Shops (Carpark Outside the Thai Square Cuisine)

Brigade Contact Details:
Duty mobile: 0491 119 152
Email: [email protected]