galston community news

Galston Rural Fire Brigade News

Pile burns

If you are planning a pile burn soon and are unsure over the rules, as a reminder permits for pile burns are required ALL year-round.

Please make sure you contact your appropriate council for advice on a permit. NSW RFS Fire Control and your neighbours must also be notified, and piles must adhere to the approved standards.

Also, note that during the ‘Bush fire Danger Period’ your local Rural Fire Brigade may also need to inspect the pile before a permit is issued.

Hills residents need to contact The Hills District Rural Fire Service directly on 9654 1244 for information on how to obtain a fire permit.

Hornsby residents can contact Hornsby Council on 9847 6853 for information, advice, and to apply for a permit. The council will help guide you through the process of approval and liaise with the Rural Fire Service on your behalf.

Hazard Reduction Season

The cooler weather provides better conditions to perform hazard reductions. A hazard reduction may use a controlled burn as one way of preparing for future bush fires.

While hazard reduction burning is strategically planned to minimise the potential impact of smoke on public health, some members of the community may need to take action to mitigate the risks of smoke from hazard reduction burning by planning ahead.

You can get updated information on where and when hazard reduction burns will be taking place by going and selecting the ‘Fire Information’ tab.

Brigade Contact Details:
Duty mobile: 0491 119 152
Email: [email protected]