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Galston Rural Fire Brigade News

Crew Leader Training

Members of the Galston Brigade are always looking for opportunities to increase their knowledge and skills within the organisation. Throughout the year members will often complete additional levels of training in both operational and non-operational areas. We currently have four members completing their Crew Leader training. Once successful, it will give them the potential to become a Brigade Ocer and to also lead teams on a fireground.

International Women’s Day

Last month marked International Women’s Day. It was a day to remind us to celebrate the growing number of women in various roles throughout the NSW Rural Fire Service, and especially within our local Galston Brigade.

Each year, a growing number of women are choosing to become part of our organisation that is dedicated to helping the community. If you are thinking of joining, give us a call, or visit the RFS website:

Bush fire season draws to a close

April marks the end of the statutory Bush Fire Danger Period, which began on 1 October 2017 and ended 31 March 2018.

While we can expect a lower bushre risk as the weather cools down, everyone in bushre prone areas should always be re ready. Visit the RFS website or call the Bush Fire Information Line – 1800 NSW RFS (1800 679 737) for more information.

Arbor Pride