galston community news


After many months of planning and preparation the Mini Fete (which is a keenly anticipated annual fund raising event) was held in the last week of Term 3. Congratulations to our highly responsible Year 6 students, along with Year 5 students who stepped up to assist Year 6; many parents (who worked behind the scenes); all the generous raffle sponsors, and the families who bought and sold raffle tickets so that this wonderful day could be enjoyed by everyone. The many stalls were very well organised and lots of fun was had.

What a busy Term 4 it is going to be for Galston Public School students. Stage 2 students are looking forward to experiencing their very first overnight excursion at Taronga Zoo. What a fantastic and amazing time they will have while participating in a variety of activities such as Zoo Keepers’ Talks, a night tour and a full day of exploring this iconic Sydney environmental and conservation site.

Some of the other events to happen will be the Life Education visit; a Remembrance Day Service; the SRC Mufti Day for the Devil’s Ark fundraiser and the P&C Carol’s Night.

Kindergarten Orientations will be held over four weeks in November and December. The first orientation will be held on Wednesday the 13th November, 2019 at 5pm. The subsequent days will be each successive Wednesday (20th, 27th and 4th December) at 9am.

If you are thinking of enrolling your child please come along and you will find out about the wonderful programs which have been planned for Kindergarten children in 2020. You will also be able to meet other parents and enjoy a chat over coffee and cake.

So if you would like to know more about our vibrant school, please contact the school office (9653 2062) and any questions you have, will be happily answered.

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