galston community news

Galston and Middle Dural Roads are Flooding

Several roads around Galston and Middle Dural are seeing some flooding, please avoid the following areas where possible and please drive safely. If it’s drowned, forget it!

  • Galston Rd, Galston
  • Sallaway Rd, Galston
  • Mid Dural Rd, Middle Dural

For emergency assistance during floods and storms, call NSW SES on 132 500. In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).

If power lines are down, please ensure you remain at least 8m away at all times. Report has fallen power lines to your energy distributor:

Ausgrid on 131 388
Endeavour Energy on 131 003

Essential Energy on 132 080.

Keep up to date with the latest warnings, visit:
Greg Reid Plumbing Services