galston community news

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year From The GCN Team!

It has been my pleasure to have worked as the Editor of the Galston, Glenorie and Hills Rural Magazine for the past eight months.

As one of the last remaining “Print” publications in the area, it is a blessing that we have not gone the way of so many other local newspapers – ie digital or subscription only.

Call me old fashioned (or just plain OLD), but I much prefer to read a ‘physical’ issue, rather than trying to read a size 4 font on my iphone, and it’s very hard to fill in a crossword online too!

We are a community magazine, here to bring local news to you – our community! We welcome your input, and encourage you to send in your items of interest, photos, letters, or anything that could be of relevance to the readers in our area of coverage.

Nev the Newshound will be pawing at the keyboard waiting to interview any Pets at Work, or working pets in the New Year, so please don’t be shy in putting forward your pet for consideration.

I hope you have enjoyed reading your GCN throughout 2023 as much as I have enjoyed helping to put it together. We are a team of many, all trying our best to bring you a happy, newsy and interesting read, and I would like to say a big thankyou to all our contributors, and our advertisers. Without you we could not keep going.

So from all the Team, and myself, have a very safe and Happy Christmas and a fantastic New Year. We will be back in February!