galston community news

Galston Garden Club

It is with much pleasure, we announce that Judy Horton, our Patron, bestowed Life Membership to one of our members, John Graham, on behalf of Garden Clubs Australia. This award is in recognition for all of John’s continued, long standing commitment and support in various roles on their committee over the years. John also worked towards the formation of the Galston Garden Club in 1983, and has held many positons within the club over the years and continues to be an active and involved member.

Our guest speaker this month was Brett Tallis from Overland Wholesale Nursery. As a substantial plant supplier to Bunnings, Brett gave us an interesting talk on this side of the industry and just what it takes to continue to stay in the nursery business and be profitable. In six years Overland Nursery has gone from strength to strength and Brett credits that to a good business plan and concentrating on creating a consistent, reliable, plant growing nursery business. Knowing what sells well and then growing good quality stock and enough to keep the retailer happy. It is certainly a fine line so as not to have too many plants that you can’t move them on, but enough to supply the large quantities required. One of the issues that they have overcome is by having plants that are not yet flowering but always available on the retailers’ shelves, so that when customers come in looking for a plant, it is available and they don’t have to wait until it is in flowering season. Brett also brought in plants that suit the much smaller gardens that are now being built that suit the small space and the shading caused by houses being much closer together. He spoke on what is trending in the garden and what will delight many gardeners, is a return to flowering plants and proven old favourites, that are now making a comeback, either because it is a proven performer or is an improved form of the original plant. For these small block gardens, Brett recommended plants like compact Hydrangeas, Abelia, Nandinas, the compact Daphne, the Oyster Plant, Peris, all varieties of Mondo grass and plants with coloured foliage, like Duranta Gold or with bright berries like the Ardisa Crispa Coral.

We are looking forward to our guest speaker next month Ingrid Nemetz from “Hellebores Down Under” who will let us into all the tips to grow Hellebore successfully. These beautiful shade tolerant plants with their lovely flowers are not well known, yet look gorgeous in the garden.

Save the date for the Galston Open Gardens Weekend Fri day 20th, Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd October 2017.

Garden Club meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Galston Community Centre 37 Arcadia Rd., Galston 8.00pm, new members are warmly welcomed. For other information, visit our website: