galston community news


Thousands of clubs of different interests have been impacted by the Covid-10 pandemic, and the Galston District Garden Club is no different, having to postpone yet another monthly meeting. While most of us have found solutions for other parts of our lives in isolation (home office work, online shopping and Zoom catch-ups with friends and family), there’s just no real substitute for a ramble around a members garden, accept for a pictorial tour on our Facebook page.

John, our snake catcher, posted a photo and video of a snake he removed from his roof to a more appropriate home in a tree. We have had a post to say it is cropping season for chokes and a reminder that caterpillars are munching on Clivias.

A post on the 17th April from Pam seems to sum up this time of year. “Who else is enjoying these superb days of glorious sunshine and cooler temps when we can potter in the garden ALL day? With the recent rains and an unusually cool March, the gardens love it and the need for irrigation has not been needed. This is the time though when gardens start to ‘go off’. The roses have finished their autumn flush and are looking a little scruffy, Dahlias are almost finished, pin oak leaves are making a real mess and many of the Salvias have passed their peak. Thank goodness for the fabulous Tibouchinas injecting a shot of dazzling colour. The winter Salvias are getting ready to take over soon and the Camellias will be stealing the show. Isn’t that what makes gardening so interesting and exciting; the continual changes, the challenge of creating a better garden from lessons learnt by the many mistakes we’ve made along the way? There’s always something to look forward to… some other ideas forming in our heads”

We have been asked not to travel far from our homes, but a drive around Kenthurst, Dural and Galston looking at the spectacular autumn colours, you could be forgiven if you thought you were in the Blue Mountains. Bright red Claret Ash, orange and red Liquidambers, Maples, Nyssa, Crepe Myrtles with their smooth cream trunks. Splashes of purple Tibouchinas. When restrictions are lifted keep these dates in mind:

The Bundanoon Garden Ramble, on the weekend 24th and 25th October at 9.30am to 4.30pm.

Tulip Tops Garden, Sutton,Bywong is open 12th September to 11th October 2020, 9.00am to 5.00pm daily

You do not need proof of a green thumb, or some kind of external validation to be a gardener.

Gardening is a lifelong learning process; you never know everything—it’s so complex and detailed. However, if you love it, and care for your plants, if you are engaged, then you are a gardener. Gardening is really just about showing care. We all kill things, we all have disasters and successes, that is part of the process. Come and visit our club when we are permitted to meet again. The Galston District Garden Club usually meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Galston Community Centre, 37 Arcadia Rd., Galston, 7.00 pm for other information, visit our website:

Arbor Pride