galston community news


Christmas seems so long ago already, Club members celebrated Christmas together at the Galston Community Centre and as usual members out did themselves with all the delicious food that was brought to celebrate another successful year for the Club. Wow! Can these people cook as well as garden! It was a great evening to relax, with lots of laughter and fun, a fitting end to the year.

Galston Garden Club is in recess for January and given the heat and water restrictions, our time will be needed to look after our own gardens, hasn’t it been hot! Let’s hope our farmers and gardening friends around the State will also receive the rain that is coming.

Our first meeting for 2020 will be on Wednesday 12th February 2020; this will also be our AGM. We would love to see new members and don’t worry, you won’t be roped in for a job, most of the Executive positions have now been filled and only need to be voted on. Club meetings give you the opportunity to make new friends, improve your gardening knowledge and our Social Committee is again organising some terrific guest speakers and rambles for this year. Of course there is also a wealth of knowledge that you will gain from our friendly members who are only too happy to share their gardening tips. We have an extensive library that members may borrow from, as well a delicious supper that is served each month.

2019 was filled with many entertaining and informative guest speakers, rambles, Show and Tell from members gardens culminating in our wonderful Open Gardens weekend in October. We are looking forward to another wonderful gardening year in 2020.

Galston Garden Club Open Garden Weekend – if you missed it or are looking forward to attending this year pop in 16th – 18th October 2020 into your diary now. Garden Club meets on the 2nd Weds of the month at the Galston Community Centre 37 Arcadia Rd., Galston 7.30pm, new members are warmly welcomed. For other information, visit our website: