galston community news


After a catastrophic day previously, it was a lovely Spring night to hold our last official meeting for the year. It has been a busy year with many rambles, great guest speakers who expanded our knowledge and of course the fabulous trip to Canberra. All these activities were arranged by our hard working and very diligent Social Committee. To finish up the year was our ever-popular Question and Answer evening, our panel this year comprised of Ken Turnidge, Elizabeth Swane and Alison Goodwin. The questions had flooded in; some amusing, some thought provoking as well as the usual “what flower, plant bush is that in my garden?!” So from how to make a stubborn wisteria flower, to whether you need to spray the aphids on roses (not necessary, if you wait about 7 days the lady beetles will come in and devour them, and if you don’t have lady beetles did you know you can purchase them from Bug for Bucks? Much safer for the bees as well) to how to propagate cycads (not easy), to growing a coffee plant and roasting the beans, then onto the importance of soil ph, to eradicating rogue plants, then there was what to do when gall appears on camellias and azaleas (clip off, place in a plastic bag in the sun and then put in the bin) as well as questions about aquatic plants and many more. When asked for the best gardening tip the one that received the most laughs was “pray and keep the water up!” This is always a hugely enjoyable and informative evening and we are very fortunate to have so many members who are more than willing to pass on their experience and knowledge.

It is with a great deal of pleasure that we announce that $48,000 was passed on to 30 charities, from our Open Gardens Weekend. We would also like to thank the many wonderful people who came along to visit the gardens on a beautiful weekend, which made it so successful. There is real feeling of happiness and pleasure as you meet the various visitors to the gardens.

Our members Christmas dinner will be held in Dec and then the Club is in recess until 12th February 2020, which is also our Annual General Meeting. We always enjoy welcoming new people to the club, a knowledge of gardening is not a prerequisite, only a love of gardening and plants! Why not come and check us out in the new year. From all of us at Galston Garden Club we wish you a very Merry Christmas, our best wishes for the New Year and happy gardening.

The Galston Garden Club meets on the 2nd Weds of the month at the Galston Community Centre 37 Arcadia Rd., Galston 7.30pm, new members and visitors are warmly welcomed, as well there is a lovely supper provided. For more information, visit our website: