galston community news

Galston Garden Club

Another lovely evening was had by members for our April meeting. We have had several new members join since the new year, which is very encouraging. Along with the visitors, who also came along, the Galston Community hall was again packed. There was a wonderful display of plants by our guest speaker Mark Massey of Mother Earth, as well as cuttings & plants bought in for our plant stall by members. Also adding to the display were the lovely plants we have each month for our raffle.

Have you wandered down to Mother Earth on Annangrove Rd Kenthurst lately? If you are an avid gardener, it’s time for a visit. New owner Mark Massey has taken over the nursery & has been renovating and filling the nursery with lots of beautiful, unusual and different plants. Mark’s had a passion for gardening since he was a young boy and he is offering to gardeners a variety of plants not readily available in most nurseries. He will also be featuring plant collections, so that you can purchase plants of different colours you may not have seen before, with a variety of sizes, uniqueness and peculiarities. For example, he will soon have a collection of miniature Australian grown roses in a variety of colours and most importantly fantastically fragrant, disease resistant and resilient to heat. These roses are not available at any of the local nurseries. He took us through a heady photographic variety of beautiful perennials, tress and shrubs that he has available. As gardeners we all like to have something a little bit different or special in our garden.

Club members gathered the next day for a ramble through two of our members gardens, Judy Horton and Pamela Wallace – what a treat. Although the day was a bit overcast with showers, over 50 members arrived armed with jackets and umbrellas, a lovely morning tea at Judy’s place started us off. Judy’s garden is a collector’s garden filled with many different plant species and trees, thoughtfully labelled! There was much to explore in Judy and Rob’s garden, there was even a bush walking track that her husband had created, that many people were quick to explore and they were rewarded with more plantings along the walk. Then onto Pamela’ garden which was bursting with colour everywhere you looked. The garden has been thoughtfully laid out with many salvias, roses, coloured foliage plants, small cottage plants, hedges and native areas. At both gardens many questions were asked of Judy and Pamela as members admired the beauty and work that went into both gardens.

Our Open Gardens Committee is on the lookout for new gardens for this year’s Open Gardens Weekend. If you are a garden owner who would like to be a part of the Open Gardens weekend or you know someone that has a garden and might be interested in being part of our Open Gardens weekend, please contact Bill Fleming our Open Gardens Convenor on 9653 2394 or email: wfleming@primusonline. if you would like to be a part of this wonderful event.

Please note a new start time of 7.30pm! The Galston Garden Club meets on the 2nd Weds of the month at the Galston Community Centre 37 Arcadia Rd., Galston 7.30pm, new members and visitors are warmly welcomed, as well there is a lovely supper provided. For more information, visit our website: