galston community news

Galston Garden Club

It always amazes me that there is still so much that you can learn about gardening and the variety of interests that are catered for, from the casual gardener to the professional nurseryman.

Leanne Johnston, our Guest Speaker this month, is an Environmental Scientist with Hornsby Shire Council and her talk on how to make our gardens Critter Friendly from tiny insects to large marsupials gave us many ideas that we can incorporate into our garden, large or small.

From the basic premise that mulching creates habitat for insects by promoting hummus and compost, to grouping grasses in clumps of threes, each 2 metres apart so that small birds can flee to safety. Then onto the different types of plants that encourages small birds (hint….choose natives with small flowers so that the larger birds don’t compete for the nectar.) She encouraged us to think about the animals that already exist in your garden and how to encourage and keep them in your garden by providing natural food sources, homes/shelter from predators and the elements as well as water. While your garden may not be big, she suggested creating a small patch of native grasses and shrubs in large pots and hanging baskets if necessary. Everybody can hang up a Bee Hotel somewhere! She left us with three good gardening habits that will encourage wildlife into your garden.

1) Minimise chemical use by manual removal and observing your plants. If the plant is not looking good, address the problem early,

2) plant some local species and

3) mulch. Leanne recommended the Atlas of Living Australia website where you can look up your street and find how many species are in your street.

Our Guest Speaker next month will be Ross Bolwell from Bloomin’ Greenery Nursery Annangrove. He be will speaking on begonias. We hope to see you at one of our club meetings and to join us for another happy gardening year.

Garden Club meets on the 2nd Weds of the month at the Galston Community Centre 37 Arcadia Rd., Galston 8.00pm, new members are warmly welcomed. For other information, visit our website:

Our cuttings table was very popular this month as a large number of plants were made freely available from members gardens for striking. It is always a thrill when a plant takes and, eventually, you can plant it in your garden.

Our President and Secretary attended the Inaugural UNSH Rose Show evening presentation at the Galston Community Centre on 8th April. What a marvellous display of roses with a large number of entrants; a great encouragement for the committee who had obviously worked very hard to put on the show.

Remember…save the date for our Open Gardens Weekend 19th, 20th & 21st October. If you would like to be a part of this wonderful weekend by opening your garden, please contact our Open Gardens Convenor Bill Fleming on 96532394 or email: [email protected]