galston community news

Galston Equestrian Club – Off to a Great Start!

We have started off our very busy year, which will be jam-packed with many varied equine activities, including opportunities to improve our skills and have a lot of enjoyable events to share with our horses and fellow members!

We had a lovely cool morning for our first event …A general riding day and Car Boot Sale. There were 30 riders, including lots of brand new members getting their horses used to the grounds and surrounds and they all passed with flying colours – not one spook! Thank you to those who helped put out and pack-up equipment. The car boot sale was a roaring success with many happy shoppers and requests for another car boot sale in winter.

Our first competition for the year is the Members Only Dressage day on 25th February. We are pleased to announce that our wonderful sponsors Horseland and Coprice NutriRice Feeds are continuing their sponsorship of GEC this year. They will be giving us great prizes once again! Penny Pronin of Equine Euphoria Massage Therapy is sponsoring the Prep classes with an initial consultation prize for each winner, and the rider with the highest point score across the prelim to medium classes, wins an initial consult and follow-up massage. What a great prize to win!

We have many more great events coming up – details on our website…here is a taste…..

Upcoming events :
6 March – Midweek Training – Caroline Hooper – flatwork, and
Sandy Lucas – Show Jumping
11 March – Training Day – cavaletti with Anne- Katrin Liebe, and
flatwork with Celeste Amezeroz.
20 March – Horsemanship with Barbara Anderson
25 March – Working Equitation with Kim Peterson
3 April – Training Day – Flatwork work with Caroline Hooper and
Show Jumping with Sandy Lucas
8 April – Dressage and Flatwork training
17 April – Horsemanship with Barbara Anderson

As usual, please check our Facebook page and our website for up to date information on all our events.