galston community news

Galston Equestrian Club – So many varied activities!

Our Members Only Dressage Comp on 25th Feb broke the drought.  We did a rain dance on the dressage arenas and the drizzle started during the last classes for the day, and by the time we packed up we had proper rain.  We had 44 happy members doing 78 tests.  Congratulations to Anne-Katrin Liebe on Salukah (pictured) who won the amazing prize of an initial –plus- follow -up consultation from Equine Euphoria Massage Therapy for the highest point score in the Prelim to Elem classes.  Thank you to our regular sponsors Horseland Dural and Coprice Feeds for the prizes.  We had many wonderful volunteers who made the day a great success, and thank you to the judges (Pam Dalrymple, Sue Birch and Tori McBeath), some of whom travelled a long way to attend, and Peter Turner, who both rode and judged! Training day on 11 th March with Anne-Katrin Liebe instructing cavaletti and Celeste Amezdroz teaching flatwork was very well supported and the feedback on the
lessons was extremely positive! Everyone enjoyed themselves and had many new ideas to work on.

Specials coming up : 
​First Aid Training on Sunday 15th April ​which GEC will subsidise for members, to be
held at the Galston Club. This covers first aid and basic life support, including CPR,
so there will be more first aiders at our events to deal with anything your horse might
throw at us – including you! Contact Linda McGregor on 0403 573 379 or email
[email protected]

“Reiki for Rookies” on Tuesday 17th April starting 7:30pm at the Galston Club. A fun
social night for a free talk about the hands-on healing technique, Reiki. Learn how it
can benefit both you and your horse, using energy to help reduce stress, balance the
body, aid sleep and promote healing.  Contact Linda McGregor on 0403 573 379  or
email [email protected].  Non-members welcome, meals can be
purchased from the bistro and consumed in the auditorium.

Please note change of date:  The Dressage Protocol Day is now on Saturday 12th May.
Upcoming events :

3 April – Training Day – Flatwork work with Caroline Hooper and Show Jumping with Sandy Lucas
8 April – Dressage and Flatwork training
17 April – Horsemanship with Barbara Anderson at the GEC grounds
Reike for Rookies information evening at the Galston Club
21 April – Keira Byrnes Show jump clinic
22 April – Show jumping – Clear Round and Legerete training
1 May – Flatwork with Caroline Hooper and Show jumping with Sandy Lucas
3 May – Feldenkrais presentation in the evening at the Galston Club
12 May – Float loading and transport safety awareness and Dressage Protocol day

As usual, please check our Facebook page and our website for up to date information on all our events.