galston community news

Galston Equestrian Club – Lucky members have access to a variety of opportunities!

Our Membership registration day is Saturday 4 th February at the RSF grounds (cnr Bayfield and Mansfield Roads, Galston) from 10.00am to 12.00 noon. You can also join online…see our website for details. Only $100.00 for new members and $70.00 for returning members – this will be the best value for money you will spend this year!

We have another very busy year planned for our members …apart from the dressage and show jumping training days and competitions, we have horsemanship fun days, agility days, interesting talks on a Thursday evening at the Galston Club which are open to the general public, working equitation, dressage protocol and training days, combined training, légèreté (more explanation of that later) and clicker training using positive reinforcement with Georgia Bruce, plus more! There is something for everyone!

We start the year with a show jumping clinic with NCAS Level 1 coach Keira Byrnes on 12 th February. Keira competes several horses at various levels in both show-jumping and eventing and has completed 4* in Adelaide on her special horse, Fox Hill, four years running. She owns 10 horses and has some potential 3 and 4 star horses coming along. She also trains horses for other riders. See the website for details.

The Galston Equestrian Club has introduced a new phase of “Classical Dressage” known as the Ecole de Légèreté (School of Lightness or “Légèreté School”). The Légèreté School is an efficient training concept fully respecting the nature of the horse, developed by the French riding master Philippe Karl, former Ecuyer (rider) of the Cadre Noir in Saumur, France. We will be starting classes on 12 th February – the flyer with more information will be available soon. Come and give it a try!

Sunday 26th February will see one of our popular clear round show jumping days.  It is not a competition as such, but ribbons will be awarded for every clear round jumped.  It is intended to be a fun and encouraging day, with classes starting at cross rails, and going up to 1 metre.  It is open to all members and EA members. Entry is on the day and we hope you will join our friendly team and have some fun.

James Roberts, the manager of the Galston Club, accepted our Certificate of Appreciation, for their generous donation which we used to purchase a new blue and white jump for the club, which delighted the show jumping members. Thank you for your support.

Upcoming events :
12th March – Horsemanship fun day and Dressage Training day
26th March – Members Only Dressage Competition
9th April – Show Jumping Competition AM7
Check our Facebook and our website for up to date information.