galston community news

Galston Equestrian Club – Horsemanship, jumping, working equitation and talks!

Our Horsemanship day on 21st August saw a small group gathered to practice some ground skills or ‘online savvy’ with some of our very interesting obstacles, including our magnificent bull “Ferdinand”, created by Kim Milne. The day provided an excellent opportunity for new members to bring their horse to a new setting, meet our friendly members and explore our excellent grounds and GEC equipment.

James Cutler from Toprail Equine gave a fascinating talk to the 40 horse lovers who attended the Galston Club on the evening of 23rd August. He discussed the many bits available and their uses. A few riders have given good feedback since changing their bits. Horseland Dural have a wonderful “borrow /try before you buy” system of the Toprail Equine bits, which is excellent!

The weather reports leading up to the Show Jumping on Sunday 26th August were not favourable, and we thought we might get rained out. Which would have been lovely for all the horse paddocks, but as it turned out, that was not to be. Very little rain fell in the couple of days leading up to Sunday, and we had only a few sprinkles during the actual day. Considering the weather forecast, we were very surprised to see so many horse and rider combinations come out and enjoy the show jumping at the Rural Sports Facility grounds. A full day of jumping was had, with 61 rounds completed, and many riders trying new heights for the first time, and indeed some riders and/or horses having their first ever outing, or first ever jumping outing. Well done to all of you and we hope we have inspired you to come and join us more often.

We had made it a little different this time, by adding some optional jumps in the course. These optional jumps were somewhat more interesting, and for some a little problematic, but most riders had a go and the far majority of them were successful. Well done to all you brave riders.

Our next show umping day will be on Sunday 28th October with a competition, the type of competition yet to be decided. Show Jumping is always popular at GEC, and we look forward to seeing you all at the next event.

On 9th September we held a practice Working Equitation Day. Our wonderful volunteers helped build a course so that we could practice each obstacle, and then practice the flow of a course. The day was an enjoyable social day with our horses and a great opportunity to develop confidence in the horses with the Working Equitation obstacles. We look forward to more opportunities for instruction and practice with the sport of Working Equitation. If you love dressage, small jumps and a bit of sport, then Working Equitation has it all! GEC will keep you posted about our next Working Equitation day.

2 October Training day with Caroline Hooper – Flatwork , and Sandy Lucas – Showjumping
14 October Agility with Suzanne Bellette
16 October Horsemanship
18 October Keira Burns evening talk on “Stress/Anxiety/ Nervousness in horses and riders” at the Galston Club
28 October Showjumping and Legerete Training
11 November Jumping Training Day
20 November Horsemanship

As usual, please check our Facebook page and our website for all up-to-date information on all our events. Visit http://www.