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Galston District Garden Club

The Garden Club is more than just coming to listen to speakers and purchasing a bargain plant. You will be rewarded by making new friends and sharing plant tips and ideas.

The Galston District Garden Club meet regularly on the 2nd Wednesday of each month in the Galston Community Hall, 37 Arcadia Road, Galston at 7.30pm.

We welcome new members and visitors. We are an informal and friendly group, and no matter what your gardening ability or gardening knowledge, you can be sure that you can look forward to pleasant company. Your botanical knowledge will be entirely adequate.

Members range from beginners to very experienced. We use our interest in gardening as a great excuse for social gatherings and garden rambles. There will be interesting talks and displays at each meeting. We have a large and extensive library of gardening books and DVD’s that members can borrow.

Each year we hold the GALSTON DISTRICT OPEN GARDENS WEEKEND in October to fundraise for local community projects and charities. This year will be from the 18th to 20th October.

About eight gardens will be opened to visitors with plant and produce stalls. We are always looking for new gardens to open for this event and if you would like to generously open your garden or know of a garden owner who could be approached, please contact the Secretary at the Club.

AUTUMN is a great time for garden chores. This is the time to clean up before winter, protect vulnerable plants, and wind down the growing season. Raking up fallen leaves is probably the most common autumn gardening chore.

Leaving a layer of dead leaves on grass can harm turf grass by blocking sunlight and trapping moisture. On the other hand, leaves can benefit garden beds and the compost bin. Instead of bagging and disposing of leaves, mulch them with the mower and let them decompose.

Plant your spring bulbs so you can enjoy flowers next spring: daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, crocuses and more. These are the hardy bulbs that need a cold period to bloom.

NOW is the best time to plant SWEET PEAS in all Australian climates, or just follow the Australian tradition and sow your seeds on St. Patric’s Day (17th March) Did you forget? It’s not too late. Sweet Peas are delightful and very popular annual climbing plants.

They combine delicate and very pretty flowers with a beautiful fragrance. Sweet Peas can cover a fence or tepee in gorgeous flowers or dwarf varieties are perfect for garden beds, pots and hanging baskets. They require full sun, regular watering, well-drained fertile soil.

Well fed Sweet Pea plants will be healthier and produce more flowers, so regular feeding is important. Once they start flowering, pick bunches of flowers as often as you like. Frequent picking will help promote a longer flowering season.

For more information regarding the Galston District Garden Club, please visit our website: or email: [email protected]