galston community news


Thank you to the Hills District RSL for inviting us to the local ANZAC service. It was an honor to be a part of this service.

Recent cooking and handicraft competitions have seen two of our craft entries and our youngest cookery entrant reach State level. These will be judged within the next few weeks and we look forward to hearing the results. Good luck everyone.

During our July meeting (12/7) we will be attempting to hold a Kokodama workshop.

These small bundled plants are currently in vogue and anyone wishing to join or contribute their skills, please feel free to contact us. Donations of plants and material also welcome.

We are always looking for new members if you are interested please drop by. Our general members range in age from 30 years to 90+. Junior members also welcome. If you are interested in joining please contact the numbers below.

We are currently looking for information about our country of study, Nepal. If you have any information you would like to contribute please contact our group.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 14 th June at 10:30am.

We usually meet at the Galston Health & Community Centre, cnr Glade and 17 Arcadia Road, Galston. HOWEVER this next month we will be meeting at a private residence to observe our item of produce for this year, the native fingerlime. If you would like to attend please contact us via the numbers below or Facebook page.
Visitors are most welcome to attend.

Please visit our facebook page for details of specific items.
For more details please contact; Melissa 0408626978 or Janet-9653 2402