galston community news

Galston CWA News

GALSTON CWA NEWSOur recent highlight was our Mother’s Day Stall on 29th April outside Bendigo Bank. Despite the rain we had a very successful morning. Galston Village Pharmacy kindly donated a gift hamper for a raffle prize, and Swanes Nursery donated a Lime Tree. 1st prize went to ticket 781395, 2nd to 737207, and 3rd to 781463. All the proceeds of the stall will be donated to local charities and the community.

Hundreds of members of the CWA of NSW attended the CWA Annual Conference in Bathurst from Sunday 7th May to Thursday 11th May, including some of our members. A keen Galston cook had an entry in the Buttercake Section.

Our next meeting will be held Wednesday 14th June. We meet at the Galston Community Health Centre, cnr The Glade and 17 Arcadia Road, Galston. Please arrive at 10am for a cuppa, followed by our business meeting. Please BYO lunch.

Visitors are very welcome to attend this meeting, and our craft day to be held on Wednesday 28th June – BYO lunch.

In June we may have a Guest Speaker, and a visit to Ebenezer, so please contact us below.

The photo shows some of the beautiful knitted and crocheted blankets we had for sale on our stall.

The Country Women’s Association is the largest women’s organization in Australia. Funds raised support the welfare of women, children and communities.

We are always happy to receive yarn and fabrics for charity sewing and knitting. Some members make delicious jams and pickles for fund-raising, and would be happy to collect fruit from your garden if you have a glut.

More details from Jann – 0439 222 217 or Patricia – 0412 948 787