galston community news

Galston Community Health Centre

CALLING ALL SENIORS…………..come along and meet new friends, have some fun and laughter with others, enjoy some good conversation whilst enjoying a nice relaxing morning tea or lunch.  Our groups meet every Monday, Tuesday and Friday.  If you require help to get to the groups, we may be able to provide transport through KNC Galston for a small charge.  To find out more call Linda Wake on 9653 2235

KNC – Galston work from the Community Health Centre and are part of the Ku-ring- gai Neighbourhood Centre based in St Ives.  We have a wonderful team of volunteer drivers that help our aged community get to their hospital and medical appointments, drive them to the shops and help them with transport to other essential appointments.

New clients need to live independently and be over 65, be unable to use regular transport and they need to be registered with My Aged Care.  Our volunteers give their time freely, and we ask a contribution is made to help cover their vehicle costs.

Call Linda Wake on 9653 2235 for more information and Linda can also help you to register with My Aged Care.

Community Groups
The following Community Groups meet on a regular basses:
 AA meet Fridays nights 8 – 9:30am
 Al-Anon contact 9653 2235
 Arcadian Quilters meet 1 st & 3 rd Wednesday 10 – 2pm
 CWA meet 2 nd Wednesday 10 – 2pm
 Galston Playgroup Email: [email protected]
 AA Steps meet Sundays 6:30 – 8pm