galston community news

Full Road Closure on 10th December

Full road closure on Old Northern Road, Wisemans Ferry and Maroota from Friday 10 December.

We are contacting you to advise of planned urgent maintenance work on Old Northern Road, Wisemans Ferry.

On behalf of Transport for NSW, we are carrying out urgent repairs to the heritage listed dry stone retaining wall and guard rail barrier, including some road resurfacing on Old Northern Road, at the last bend before entering Wisemans Ferry.

These assets were damaged during a previous traffic incident in September. Due to the complex nature of the site, it has taken a number of months to assess the damage, prepare the required work program and seek the relevant permits to work.

As we are unable to keep the road open and maintain safe clearances between traffic and the worksite, the road will be closed during some of this work.

We appreciate this timing, coming close to the peak holiday period is not ideal, particularly after the COVID lockdown restrictions have been lifted, but now we have a confirmed construction approach and required approvals in place, we cannot leave the site in its current condition any longer to ensure road users are kept safe when travelling in the area.

The work will be undertaken before Christmas and the school holiday break, to minimise the impact to those who have plans for the holidays and ensure that a permanent guard rail is installed as soon as possible.

To complete this work, there will be significant traffic changes on Old Northern Road between Wisemans Ferry Road, Maroota and Singleton Road/River Road, Wisemans Ferry on the following dates and times:

· From 7am Thursday 9 December to 5pm, and from 6am Friday 10 December to 9pm – single lane closure, access maintained in both directions

· From 9pm Friday 10 December to 6am Monday 13 December – full road closure · Between Monday 13 December and Friday 17 December – (during this time we will work both day and night):

· Single lane closure between 6am to 7pm, access maintained in both directions under traffic management

· Full road closure between 7pm to 6am. Please note we may not close the road every night during this period, only when necessary. Please follow daily updates on the variable message boards in the area, call 132 701, or visit

During the full road closures, local access will be maintained for residents and businesses located on Old Northern Road between the work site and Wisemans Ferry Road under traffic management on either side of the work area.

General access will be maintained to the area north of the work area, however using the following alternate route. Please note this route may take approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes of additional travel time so plan accordingly.

· Old Northern Road at Maroota to Castle Hill Road, Pennant Hills Road, Pacific Motorway, Peats Ridge Road, George Downes Drive and Wisemans Ferry Road to access the northern side of the Hawkesbury River. Note that the vehicle ferry will be required to cross to the township of Wisemans Ferry

· There are other local access routes in the area but these are not recommended as the condition of the road is unsuitable for high volumes of traffic or any heavy vehicles. Emergency access to Wisemans Ferry will be maintained at all times.

For heavy vehicles needing to access the area to make deliveries, we suggest that this is completed during the single lane closures during the week where two way access on Old Northern Road will be maintained as weekend and night-time deliveries should be avoided.

We are able to work during the rain and will only stop work if it becomes too heavy or there are high winds as we will be using a crane. Please see attached work notification which will be distributed in the coming days; we will also install signage, variable message boards in the area to advise road users and visitors.

If you have any questions or concerns about this work, please contact as via the contact details below or respond to this email.

We will continue to provide updates prior to and during the work via email. We also encourage you to share this information with your networks and contacts.

The Fulton Hogan Community Team
River Zone Sydney Road and Asset Performance Contract
Fulton Hogan 1800 568 981 [email protected]
P.O. Box 6099, Alexandria, NSW, 2015

Pat Fedele