galston community news

News from History Cottage

Our well attended meeting on the 9th November was the last for the year. Our guest speaker, David Jehan told part of the fascinating story of the Hudson Brothers and Clyde Engineering. His research and knowledge, together with many old photographs, recalled earlier days for many.

Who can forget those mighty trains of the steam era. The distinctive smell of the sheep and cattle vans coming down from the country, the sturdy coal bins from the Hunter and Illawarra, the luxury of the sleeper trains, and the coal dust in the eyes when someone forgot to close the window approaching the tunnels.

David’s talk showed how much more he had to offer and he has kindly offered to come again next year; one the Society is most happy to accept.

Another part of David’s talk covered the building operations. Our district has a number of the Hudson Ready Cut homes which form part of its architectural heritage. Sandra and Ken Gregory are the custodians of one such buildings and they brought along a painting to show (see photo).

In his report to members, the President drew attention to the fact that our audience comprised people who were members of a so many different organisations. The common thread was a dedication and concern for our community in so many ways; garden clubs, volunteer fire brigades, progress associations, bush regenerations, church associations, to name but some.

He felt that this concern had in expression in Local History, where it is recorded. The Society is constantly being given photos and organisation records to preserve the work of others who have gone before and which can be seen by all.

After a Christmas lunch the Society will finish for the year, opening with the first meeting of the 8th February 2025 in the Galston Uniting Church at 2.00pm when the guest speaker will be Professor Don Napper who will talk on Nicola Tesla. Enquiries to Michael Bell 02 9653 1365.