galston community news

Flood Warning – How To Prepare

With continuing heavy rainfall, we are now contacting our customers via SMS message in low lying areas along the Nepean, Hawkesbury, Georges, Colo and Macdonald Rivers to advise of power cuts ahead of rising floodwater levels expected later today – this is an important measure to keep customers and emergency service workers safe. Likely areas to be affected include customers in parts of Cornwallis, Londonderry, McGrathsHill, Pitt.

Town, Bottoms, Richmond, Lowlands, Wilberforce, Windsor, CentralColo, UpperColo, WarwickFarm, Morebank, Camden Canoelands, Cattai, Ebenezer, #laughtondal leetsvaleale, lowermacdonald, lowerportland, maraylya, Maroota, Sackville, StAlbans, webbscreek, wisemansferry

Power outages may also affect some properties not directly impacted by flooding, however the part of the network supplying power to the property is impacted and it is necessary to switch off power for safety reasons.

– If you need power for home medical equipment, you should fully charge batteries now and be ready to act on your backup plans

– Charge mobile phones, pack recharger and prepare to be evacuated if asked by the SES

– Prior to evacuating, disconnect electrical appliances and, if safe to do so, turn off the main switch at the switchboard.

Treat all powerlines as ‘live’ and dangerous by keeping at least 8m clear of them. Never drive across fallen powerlines!

Report fallen powerlines immediately by calling us 24/7 on 131 003

Avoid all contact with wires that are hanging low or on the ground, dangling in floodwaters or tangled in trees.

If you’re using a portable generator for power, stay safe and avoid deadly exhaust fumes entering your home.

Don’t bring outdoor heaters or braziers indoors. The fumes from these outdoor heaters can be lethal and you risk starting a fire inside your property.

For life-threatening emergencies call 000
For emergency and rescue assistance call NSW SES on 132 500 Register power outages at Find estimated power restoration times at


Flood Warning