galston community news

Fagan Park-Rural round up

By Councilor Warren Waddell

Many residents and visitors are enjoying the latest improvements to Fagan Park. Access to Carr’s Bush within the park has been enhanced with the latest section of inclusive, suspended walking path and viewing platform complete.

The ongoing COVID19 restrictions have in general, increased to a higher than usual use in many of Councils parks, reserves and facilities.

In some ways this has been helpful in highlighting impacts and where possible, planning improvements for the future may be made.

This month I will be asking Council to endorse a cohesive approach to managing the many elements that contribute to Fagan Parks continuing success as a regional destination.

Issues ranging from way signage, spillover parking arrangements, access points, event management etc. will all be included.

Other rural amenities attracting plenty of use and in my sites for future improvement include:

Footpaths –
missing links, possible dual use for walking and cycling, inclusive for all ages.

Walking trails –
improved access to natural resource areas for shared use.

Outdoor Gym equipment –
explore additional opportunities for access to outdoor exercise.

Water recreation –
encourage and maintain the best possible facilities at our access points to water activities. Including our pro-active approach to the improvement of water quality throughout our natural waterway system. Fagan Park

Hospitality –
ensuring residents and visitors alike enjoy access to associated food, beverage and other social activities as we emerge from lockdown restrictions.

Stay tuned to the Council website as facilities progressively return to normal. The Thornleigh recycling depot has again opened for business but under restricted arrangements.

In addition, Hornsby Aquatic Centre has also been slated for reopening if an appropriate COVID safe plan can be put in place.

On a final note, Council is reviewing our 10-year strategic plan. If you would like to comment on the vision for our Shire over the next decade you can access the survey at: Review-2021 I am happy to be contacted on Ph. 0499 004 861 or email [email protected]