galston community news

Like many kids at the moment, 11-year-old Stella Thomson is obsessed with the latest craze going around – fidgets! FAB Fidgets

Being ever persistent in asking her mum to buy her countless fidgets, she came up with the idea to start her own fidget business. After a little research, Stella’s idea started to become her reality.

Fab Fidgets was born in early June! Stella was instrumental in product selection, putting together spreadsheets, understanding profit margins and set up costs involved in starting a business, creative, design, marketing, stocktake and fulfilment of orders as they come through.

Fab Fidgets stocks various sensory items, including pop kits, simple dimples, fidget spinners and stress balls.

Stella has successfully marketed Fab Fidget via social platforms Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok. She has also done well promoting her business to her friends and school network. Dural Newsagency has also supported Stella in her business venture by stocking many of her Fab Fidgets.

Stella is proud of her Fab Fidget business venture. It has provided her with confidence and an understanding of basic business fundamentals to help her achieve business success.

Stella’s goal is to continue selling her fidgets and promote new products each week as sales increase, and she can start to order more items. You can visit Stella’s website and follow Fab Fidgets on Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok.