galston community news

Exciting Night at Dural Scouts

Cubs and Scouts from Dural Scout Group held a combined meeting at their Galston hall last week and all had a GREAT NIGHT, full of fun, games, and a pioneering activity. They played many games, including Indoor Hockey (the Scout Way) and it was exciting for all ages, including the Leaders’ challenge!

The Pioneering activity in Patrols was to build a Chariot using poles and lashings and then compete in a light-hearted competition of racing them around the hall. The end results were interesting, as some barely made one lap of the hall before collapsing! The old adage ‘Practice makes Perfect” certainly applies to Scouts tying lashings, as they become easier to do correctly, and that means that pioneering structures will be sturdy and more successful.

They finished off the night learning about fire-lighting techniques and toasting marshmallows. Leaders, Cubs and Scouts are all looking forward to their next combined meeting and exciting activities. Dural Scout Group has vacancies for Girls and Boys from 5 to 25years. Joeys (5yo), Cubs (8yo), Scouts (12yo) and Venturers (16yo).

Please contact Phirooza: 0411 731 976 or [email protected] or Simon: [email protected]

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