galston community news

Excitement Building at Hillside!

Once again, the students of Hillside are excitedly learning their lines, rehearsing songs, and honing their acting skills ready for our pantomime which will be performed later next term. Every student has a role on stage in the show.

We find that participation in pantomimes builds student confidence, teamwork and the camaraderie found in a small school. More details of performance time will be provided early next term.

In the classroom is wonderful to see our students improving their literacy skills through their involvement in several evidence based programs. Kindergarten is loving learning to read using decodable readers and are becoming more confident writers. Our year one students reading has progressed in leaps and bounds since being immersed in Initial Lit and Heggerty’s Phonemic Awareness programs.

This year we have students from Years 3 to 6 participate in the Maths Olympiad Competition. Over 5 months the students complete 5 competitions of 5 problems in 30 minutes. This program challenges the students while strengthening their problem solving skills, building on their understanding of number concepts.

The NSWPSSA Touch Football Knockout Competition is commencing early next term. Hillside has entered a mixed team made up of students from Year 3 to 6. Unfortunately, last year after winning our first game the competition was cancelled, so the students are very keen to participate this year and hopefully make it through to the Finals Day in September.

We look forward to holding our Kindergarten 2023 Orientations later this year. Children turning 5 by 31 July 2023 are eligible to enrol in kindergarten. Enrolments can be completed online or by contacting the school office and request an Enrolment Form. Enrolments are now open so if you have a child or know a friend or neighbour with a child eligible to start next year please ENROL NOW!

Please contact the school office to speak with a member of staff and organise a tour. Phone 02 9652 1459.
