galston community news

End of year wrap up The Hills Evening Trefoil Guild 2017

The Hills Evening Trefoil Guild’s final service for the year was making up Share the Dignity bags, these bags are for homeless women and those fleeing domestic violence. They are an emergency bag, using no longer required handbags, they are filled with the essentials a woman needs, are donated by the Trefoil members. Included in the bags were soap, deodorant, powder, makeup, comb, shampoo, conditioner, moisturiser, cleanser, socks, tissues, phone card, gift vouchers, sanitary products etc. We were so pleased to be able to make up nearly 40 bulging bags which were delivered to the Bags with Dignity charity drop off centre. Our last night was a movie night watching a DVD and the money that would have gone to seeing a movie was passed on to a charity.

Movie nights, historical walking tours of Parramatta, knitting many, many squares made into lots of rugs for the wrapped with Love project, possum bags for orphan possums for WIRES, raising money for “The Sanctuary” a home for women transitioning away from domestic abuse, guest speakers, a Crazy Whist night, an evening at the theatre to see The Wharf Review, sewing breast care bags for the hospitals, creating dementia/memory rugs and knitting care bears for the children’s hospital. This has been the year for The Hills Evening Trefoil Guild. As well as a weekend away, lots of laughs great suppers and good supportive guiding friends, these are the things that make belonging to The Trefoil Guild so enjoyable. So if you would like to come and be involved, join us in 2018.

The Hills Evening Trefoil Guild is the adult section of the Girl Guides and is open to any woman over 18yrs who has made her promise in any section of the Guide Movement, the Parent Support Group or willing to make the Guide Promise The Hills Evening Trefoil guild area extends from Parramatta up to the Hills District so if you like the idea of combining service to the community with social activities…and we are very social, it is a great way to reconnect with guiding friends, with new members warmly welcomed.

We meet on the 1st Wednesday evening of the month at various locations from 7.30 – 9.30, for more information please contact Chris on 0438 767 750. A yummy supper is guaranteed!