galston community news

Education Minister awards Galston Student

I was pleased to see Galston High School student Kianna Munro received the Minister’s Award for Excellence in Student Achievement for 2017. The awards are given by Education Minister Rob Stokes for students who have excelled in their secondary years across academic excellence, sporting, cultural, community and leadership. Kianna is a pretty special student and is thoroughly deserving of this award.

Kianna has had some amazing academic results over her time at Galston High School. Including Dux for Years 10, 8 and 7. Most recently she was awarded the Principals Award for Academic Excellence for her half yearly results in Year 12. I am sure Kianna is going to take the HSC in her stride and have great success in the exams this year.

She has also been heavily involved in extra-curricular activities and all aspects of school life. She has completed the Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards. She played Sandy in the school musical Grease this year and has appeared in the chorus in previous years. She was a Senior Prefect and has also been a peer support leader.  A number of her artworks were also on display for the Biannual Edfest. Kianna manages to fit in volunteer work into her busy schedule. Door Knocking for a number of years for the Anglicare Winter Food Drive as well as working as a youth leader.

Congratulations Kianna on this recognition of your amazing contribution to Galston High School. She tells me she will take a gap year before deciding on which University to attend. The world is at her feet and I am sure this remarkable young lady will find success in whatever path she chooses. I would like to wish all Year 12 students the best of luck as they complete their schooling and remember no matter what happens, there are many pathways to success in the future.