galston community news

Dural Village Shops New Mixed Use Development

A DA has been submitted for an upgrade of the Dural Village Shops at 644 Old Northern Road. This is currently the Dural IGA, Liquorland, Dural Compound Pharmacy premises).

The development application states:
• Partial demolition of the existing shopping centre;

• 1,872m² additional GLFA (net increase) including demolition and additions to the existing shopping centre to accommodate the following land uses:

• IGA supermarket
• Specialty Retail
• Medical centre
• Dentist
• Liquor store
• Restaurants/cafes

• Pharmacy
• Newsagency
• Australia Post
• Dry Cleaner
• Tenant storage

• Extension of the ground floor level to the north of the existing site;

• The addition of another level across the existing ground floor and part of the new ground floor extension;

• The addition of a new car parking area to the north of the site and upgrades to the existing car park along the eastern and northern portion of the site;

• Upgrading of the existing ramp on the lower level of the site;

• Upgrading of the car park area around the lower ground floor level of the site;

• Construction of a new entry and exit vehicular access point from Old Northern Road;

• Proposed hours of operation for the centre are 7am to 8pm Monday to Friday with the exception of restaurants and cafes which will trade from 7am to 11pm seven days a week. The medical centre will operate from 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday) and 8am to 1pm (Saturday).

• Landscaping works including tree removal and subsequent replacement planting; and,

• Associated infrastructure works, including sewage treatment facilities and effluent re-use field.

The full details of the application can be found at Development-Approvals/DA-Tracking. Then search for 1369/2019/HA