galston community news

Dural Lawn Bowls

Wednesday 26th April started out as a perfect day, 26 deg. and no wind. This was ideal for the final of the Men’s drawn pairs competition. Then towards the end of the match, a hail storm came in and temperatures dropped by 10degs. The match was played between the teams of Kevin Keene and Hein Sinteur, subbing for David Smith, versus Richard Thorp and Sean Lee.

Kevin had a fairly easy run into the finals, winning all previous games by big margins, whereas Richard struggled in every game, winning by 1 shot in the quarter finals and having to play an extra end in the semi-final as the score was even at the end of 21st end.

The game was tight throughout, even though Richard managed to get a good lead of 9 shots midway through the match. Kevin never thought he was in trouble and, together with Hein, they managed to bridge the gap and take the lead 19-17 on the 19th end. At the start of the 20th end Sean played a couple of superb bowls to hold 2 shots, then the hail, rain and wind came and the match was stopped for 45 minutes. On resumption, the 20th end had to be replayed, and Hein was the one to come to grips with the much slower green first, resulting in Hein and Kevin scoring 2 shots to hold a 4 shot lead going into the final end. Richard and Sean tried hard but were unable to win the last end and Kevin and Hein ran out winners 23-17.

If you are interested in playing Lawn Bowls contact Eileen 0432 181 635 or Robert 0411 375 580. Free coaching and come and try days available.