galston community news

Dural & Hills Distric Garden Club Inc

Our Garden club is a vibrant and progressive club where great times are had visiting gardens, overnight trips to see other gardens, and monthly meetings with good speakers sharing information about plants, garden tools and many interesting topics to do with gardening.

This year we have had interesting Speakers come and share with us, Brent Tallis form Overland Nursery spoke to us on drought resistant plants and how to treat plants in drought. Brian Roach spoke about Australian Native plants. At our next meeting in May, our Speaker will be Marisa from Succulent Garden Nursery

Planned activities for this year are:- Monthly Meetings: In April a walk in Sydney to the Chinese Gardens, in May a trip Kangaroo Valley by Bus.

June activity will be a Bring and Buy plus Sausage Sizzle at our monthly meeting, a Christmas in July night at Geranium Cottage and another City Walk in July, a visit to the Japanese Garden at Auburn followed by a visit to Elizabeth Farm planned for August. In September a Day visit to Tulip Top garden near Canberra. Another city walk in October and, in November, a 10 day trip to Tasmania, finishing the year with the Christmas party in December.

The suggested city walks will be to Bangaroo and The Maritime Museum. New members are very welcome to come and join us at our club. We love to have new members and there is always room for you.

Our Club meets in the Middle Dural Fire Station, Mid Dural Road, Middle Dural at 8.00pm on the first Wednesday of the month

Please contact our Club Secretary, Margaret Dunn on Mobile 1490 958 648 or email [email protected] for more information. We look forward to hearing from you.