galston community news

Dural Art Supplies

Sandra Duran Wilson was a recent guest artist at Dural Art Supplies, demonstrating the use of Ampersand Painting Panels. I thought that I would take the opportunity to attend this free workshop to try and resurrect my latent creative talent. It was such a surprise to me to see so many participants at this demonstration, all ready to learn more skills, gather tips and try out the products.

Sandra, had travelled from Santa Fe, New Mexico to conduct a series of demonstrations so it was a wonderful opportunity for all present to hear about her background and to pass on some of her secrets to how she creates her particular style of artwork. Sandra comes from a family of artists and scientists. She grew up in a world where all things were possible in her imagination. It was a world where she could look through the microscope in her fathers office and paint what she saw.

Dural Art supplies is a hub of creative energy with a calendar filled with workshops and demonstration.

The New Year is brimming with opportunities to develop talents and to explore new artistic horizons so it is well worth calling into the shop/studio, ringing or visiting their website

There are plenty of great Christmas gifts in the store so perhaps you should take the opportunity to visit and while you are there grab the workshop calendar for 2018 and make plans to unleash the inner artist.