galston community news


The Society held its AGM at its October meeting. Committee vacancies were filled but there is space for others able to commit to a little more. The president’s report thanked members and the Community at large, for the support the Society had received over the year. Of special reference was the Society’s concern for the deteriorating condition of some of the local built heritage which is being demolished through neglect. Hornsby Shire Council is currently asking for public comment on four of its draft LEP and members were encouraged to take this opportunity to preserve what we value in our special community.

It is our practice at that time to have a members Show and Tell. Family treasures and historical items are shown and the variety never ceases to amaze. There was a letter from Capt, De Groot that accompanied a gift of a silver cigarette case, a dinner gong that summoned the family to meals, paintings, a hair brush and a silver shawl; all with stories to tell. There was even a Plumb axe from a local national champion axeman who died in the First World War.

On the15/16th October sixteen members spent two pleasant days in the Hartley area. Visits to gardens at “Highfield” and “Gory’u Japanese Gardens” highlighted the magnificent possibilities when a love of plants and plenty of space are brought together. Our overnight stay in the restored Victoria and Albert Guest House was another highlight.

Our last meeting for the year will be on Saturday the 9th November at 2.00pm. All are welcome so please come and learn more about the Society’s work, the facilities available for research and to enjoy a chat and afternoon tea.