galston community news


On a beautiful day in October, sixteen of our members spent an enjoyable and informative time at Retford Park, Bowral. In the morning we were guided through the magnificent homestead. After lunch in the grounds, we wandered the gardens with a very knowledgeable guide. The property and contents were left to the public by the Late James Fairfax and is now in the hands of the National Trust. At $50.00 a head the tour was excellent value.

Our October AGM was followed by a members’ Show and Tell. Pauline Corthorn showed us the Morse Code equipment she used as a young lady, while a most ingenious ancient electric fan, a Russian icon and modern glass were shown by others.

Remembrance Day found the Society members providing chairs and power to help with the two services held beside our Cenotaph. Inside History Cottage, a display gave an account of the war service of some of the local men. This display is part of the Society’s detailed research of the men, from the surrounding communities, who served; over 200 in all.

The Cottage will close on the 9th December and open after the Christmas break on the 3rd February 2019. Our speakers and tours for next year are being arranged and members look forward to an enjoyable year. Be part of the audience for our monthly lectures and on the bus for very moderately priced tours to historical places.

Contact the President on 96531365 for more information.