galston community news

Dural And District Historical Society Inc. – News From History Cottage

Dural And District Historical Society Inc. - News From History CottageThere was much interest in the May presentation on the bombing of Darwin. Hearing of the lack of planning, incompetent administrators and the inordinate delay in recognising those who rose to solve the shortcomings, gave much to compare with the present day. Speaker, Noel Phelan, had an enormous amount of material to show and answered many questions from the audience.

The June meeting has, Doug Philpott, as speaker to talk about the work of the Historical Aircraft Restoration Society (HARS) museum in Albion Park, near Wollongong. Mr Philpott is a member of HARS and has been involved in much of the aircraft restoration and its promotion. Our Society toured this world recognised collection four years ago and the talk will be an excellent way to prepare for a family visit to see this gem and centre displaying wonderful aircraft.

It is interesting to note that our community has been the scene for three aircraft crashes; that of an RAAF Mustang in the 1950s was a particular disaster, resulting in the death of a young pilot. The Society has archival material on the subject and welcomes recollections, from those who remember, to add to the records.

Another aircraft connection is the attempt to build Sydney’s second airport in Galston. Here indeed was an issue to bring the community together. Again there is much research material for a school project.

Next meeting 10th June in the Uniting Church School Road, Galston at 2.00pm. Entry is free and afternoon tea is provided for a gold coin.

For enquiries 02 9653 1365.