galston community news

Draft Norwest Precinct Plan goes on Exhibition

Hills Shire Council has resolved to place the Draft Norwest Precinct Plan on exhibition for three months to seek community feedback to the proposal.
Norwest is one of eight defined strategic centres within the Central City District, identified for growing investment, business and jobs.
The Precinct Plan examines the role of the Norwest Strategic Centre and provides a vision of future development over the next 20 years. The plan seeks greater employment opportunities, improved infrastructure delivery, better connectivity and greater amenity throughout the centre.
As part of the draft plans, the Strategic Centre is envisaged to cater for 64,000 jobs, 50,000m3 of additional retail floorspace, 11,400m3 of additional bulky goods space, enhanced road and pedestrian links and new and enhanced parks.
As part of the exhibition, Council will conduct extensive community consultation including
  • Drop in sessions at shopping centres
  • The conducting of focus groups to discuss the plans
  • Making available a hotline to ask staff questions about the plans
  • Notifications by post to all landowners and to the community via website and social media