galston community news

Does domestic violence only happen to women?

Social awareness around domestic and family violence, and action to counter it, is thankfully starting to progress. The Federal Government has committed $100,000,000 to combat the issue and programs have been developed in order to help male perpetrators, and several private shelters have started to open, in order to house women and children escaping a violent home life. Did you know, however, that men also suffer domestic violence? Did you know that one female is killed each week in a domestic violence situation, and one male is killed every 10 days? To date, there are virtually no support pathways for men and fathers to escape abuse and violence, nor are there any male-specific emergency or transitional housing.

Domestic violence occurs when someone with whom you are in a close personal relationship makes you feel afraid, unsafe or powerless. Domestic violence comes in seven different forms:

• Physical threat, such as harm to you or a pet;
• emotional and psychological, such as manipulation or crazymaking;
• verbal, such as humiliation or put-downs (either publicly and/or privately);
• financial constraints and control tactics;
• social (isolating from family and friends or controlling where you go);
• technological (such as stalking by GPS tracking on a smart device);
• sexual abuse and rape.

Any of these forms of violence are unacceptable; everyone has a human right to live freely without fear. The effects of domestic violence can be debilitating, far-reaching and long-lasting for both victims, and their children.

At Hills Complete Counselling, we assist both men and women who are currently, or who have in the past, been experiencing domestic violence, as we believe in a non-gendered approach. We offer a safe and strictly confidential environment to assist clients to discuss and work through the issues affecting them. for further information