galston community news

Dharug and Lower Hawkesbury Historical Society

The Dharug and Lower Hawkesbury Historical Society Annual General Meeting on Saturday, 24th March 2018 followed by an afternoon with our Special Guest Speaker Gil Jones – conspiracy of silence: The story of John Henry Fleming, leader of the Myall Creek Massacre.

The AGM is to take place at the Chapel at 11.45 am on Saturday, 24th March before adjourning for a delicious lunch. All members are encouraged to attend. An invitation extends to the general public to join us for lunch.

After lunch the Dharug and Lower Hawkesbury Historical Society are delighted to welcome our guest speaker Gil Jones, a geologist & historian, who has lived in the Macdonald Valley for over 30 years. Please join us as we listen to Gil speak about the last chapter of his most recent book, “Bulga Bala Boree” which explores how the leader of the Myall Creek Massacre could return to a normal existance in the Hawkesbury area and lead a full life with no repercussions, while there was a fifty pound reward offered for his capture.

Gil will talk of the Conspiracy of Silence that allowed John Henry Fleming to continue his life without ever facing a judge and jury.

“Wasteland Wilderness Wonderland” an exploration of Sydney’s sandstone country & “Bulga Bala Boree” an exploration of Darkinyung country & culture, pastoral invasion and dispossession are Gil’s two books that will be on available for purchase on the day.

Cost: Free for Members. Non-Members $20. All welcome.

Bookings essential: [email protected] or 0405 321 478 (leave a message) by Wednesday 21st March. Come and be entralled with our historical past.