galston community news

Days for Girls project: Castle Hill Team

Days for Girls is a non-profit project run by grass roots teams of women worldwide to provide feminine hygiene products to girls to allow them to stay at school all the school year. It has been initiated to create a more dignified, free and educated world through access to lasting feminine hygiene solutions. It survives by donation and volunteer help.

In Castle Hill a dedicated team of women (and some men) from many surrounding suburbs meet on a regular basis to pack, sew and overlock items to go in a pretty cotton bag to send to girls in various developing countries. People outside of this team contribute also by donating money, fabric, thread, underwear, soap and washers. Each item included in the bag requires several processes to complete it. Some volunteers are able to sew or overlock, but many are required to do the cutting, finishing and packing processes. Quality control is a vital part of the overall process to make sure the kit is robust enough to last 2-3 years.

The kits made by Australian women go to many Pacific Island and South East Asian developing countries. Castle Hill team has sent a delivery to Sri Lanka and is working on a large delivery to go shortly to the Solomon Islands and then another to Cambodia. Educated women who are Days for Girls Ambassadors accompany the kits. Each kit is calculated to cost approximately $15.00 with volunteer help to make and pack them.

The team in Castle Hill would welcome:

• volunteers to help out at each monthly workshop,
• volunteers to work at home on the items
• donations to help provide supplies.

If you would like to help in any way please contact the Castle Hill Team Leader Cheryl Landon-Jones any time on phone 0433 445 339 or by email on [email protected]. You can see the work done by checking the website: www.