galston community news

David Stockman Recognised for 45 Years Service

David Stockman joined the Galston Volunteer Bushfire Brigade in 1978 and quickly became known for his unwavering commitment to answering calls and attending community needs. His dedication led to his appointment as a Fire Patrol Officer in 1979, a role he held until the establishment of the NSW Rural Fire Service in 1997.

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, David actively participated in firefighting efforts, responding to incidents such as fires at Bobbin Head Kalkari Animal Sanctuary, the Blue Mountains, and Cootamundra, as well as local flooding and storm damage.

He was also involved in handling emergencies like the Galston High School muck-up day riot of 1992. During the devastating 1994 Christmas Bushfires, David played a crucial role, both in the field and as standby support when Sydney’s resources were depleted.

In 1995, David’s contributions were recognized when he was appointed Station Officer, responsible for maintaining and managing the brigade’s station—a role he continues to fulfill diligently to this day, 28 years later.

His dedication extended beyond firefighting; he was actively involved with the Galston Tower for over two decades, supporting his wife Christine, who served as a callout officer, and ensuring the tower’s upkeep.

In 1997, David became a dual member with the Communications Brigade serving for 8 years and joined the Support Brigade in 2012 to keep contributing to the NSW Rural Fire Service and the community after being unable to continue as an active firefighter.

During these times, David continued as a support member of Galston Brigade continuing his duties as Station Officer and assisting with crew transportation during out of area incidents.

In recent years, David has dedicated countless hours to maintaining the station and its grounds, assisting with the Bushfire Information Line, and supporting station renovations, upgrades, and equipment maintenance. He has also served as a driver for relief crews during various fires, including multiple trips to the Blue Mountains in 2014.

Photos by: Elisabeth Goh

David’s exemplary service has been recognised with numerous awards, including Life Membership of the Galston Rural Fire Brigade in 2005, the Rotary Award for service to the Rural Fire Service in 2010, and the NSW Rural Fire Service Long Service Medal for 40 years of service. His involvement in the 2019/20 bushfires earned him the prestigious Premiers Bushfire Citation.

With over 45 years of dedicated service, David epitomizes the values of the National Medal and is deserving of recognition for his continuous commitment. His steadfast dedication to the Galston Brigade and the wider community highlights his unwavering passion for serving others in times of need. Therefore, it is fitting to honor David Stockman with the National Medal, 3rd Clasp, in acknowledgment of his exceptional contributions