galston community news

DanZiNina Fitness

Nina de la Cruz fell in love with Zumba dance fitness back in 2010 and decided right away she wanted to spread her passion to as many people as possible.

In the 7 years, she has been an active ZIN (Zumba Instructor Network – official membership program of the Zumba Headquarters in Florida, USA) where she gets monthly tools and support to continue as a successful instructor.

She has seen so many wonderful benefits this program has on people of all ages and abilities, and some of these include:

• Better mental health – dancing makes you happy!

• Decreased risk of dementia – there are lots of studies that prove this.

• A more active lifestyle overall – you get fitter, walk faster, get stronger

• Alleviate symptoms of serious diseases such as Parkinsons Disease and heart disease Aside from her regular Zumba classes, she has also trained and regularly conduct classes in Zumba specialties such as:

• Zumba® Gold – modified steps to suit the older active adult or for those just starting their fitness journeys.

• Zumba® Kids Jr (4-6 years) and Zumba® Kids (7-11 years)

• Zumba Toning, Zumba Sentao, Zumba in the Circuit

Her bookings include schools and organisations for kids and adults with special needs/disabilities, community events, corporate team building days, hen’s nights or anyone who wants a fun Zumba session to liven up any event. She has been involved in several fundraisers where Zumba draws huge crowds (e.g. annual Hills Relay for Life for the Cancer Council)

She has regular Zumba classes 3 nights of the week in Kellyville and Rouse Hill, and has recently added new Zumba Gold classes at the Galston Community Hall. She likes to create a party-like atmosphere while burning calories with the interval-style, full body workout moves with lots of variety to keep it fun…it’s truly exercise in disguise!

Don’t feel intimidated, no matter what your dance ability is. As long as you’re moving, you’re doing it right. Wear comfy workout clothes and sports shoes and bring your bottle of water and sense of fun!

Current Class Schedule:

– 7:15pm Sherwood Ridge Public School, 34 Rosebery Rd, Kellyville

– 7:15pm Coolroom nightclub at Australian Brewery – 350
Annangrove Rd, Rouse Hill

*ZUMBA GOLD classes from April 24, 2017
– Mondays and Fridays 10:00 – 11:00 am (until 30th of June 2017)
– Wednesdays and Fridays 10:00 – 11:00 am ( from 5th of July, 2017)

Galston Community Centre
37 Arcadia Road, Galston NSW

PRICES: $15 casual, $100 for 10 (11th class is FREE), $60 for 5