galston community news

As the pandemic situation continues to evolve, it is with great disappointment that we announce all CWA Galston meetings have been cancelled for the foreseeable future.

Though unable to meet and plan face to face as we usually would, we have not been sitting idle. Head over to our Facebook page CWAGalston for a host of COVID-19 resources to get you through this tough spot. From resume templates and face masks to nourishing winter comfort foods, we’ve got you covered.

The second wave of COVID-19 has been a challenge for us all, and with more and more people losing their jobs, CWA Galston is offering a free downloadable resume template, and for those locals without access to a PC or printer complimentary resume editing and preparation is available as well.

We have also joined the efforts of the amazing ladies at Hills District CWA Handicraft who are selling hand sewn washable, reusable face masks for just $5, available in adults and childrens sizes.

In continuing our campaign against domestic violence, this year’s CWA Awareness Week, held from 6 to 13 September 2020, is shining the spotlight on the issue in the hope that it will encourage more people to speak up and speak out about the crisis.

Increasing awareness of the problem and looking at ways to address the many issues stemming from domestic violence is in even sharper focus this year, given the COVID-19 pandemic. CWA of NSW is partnering with White Ribbon and Domestic Violence NSW on the campaign, supporting the lobbying efforts of both groups and the assistance they offer to victims and their families.

For more details on any of our COVID-19 initiatives please contact Jann 0439 222 217 or Val 02 9653 1774. [email protected]

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