galston community news

CWA Galston Branch News

It has been quite a year for the CWA Galston Branch! Circumstances beyond our control saw us locked out of the Galston Health and Community Centre for most of the year. We were fortunate enough to hold our meetings at the Kenthurst rooms of the Castle Hill Branch, this at least allowed us to gather and get planning.

Despite being displaced, we managed to have a great year of fundraising through our market stalls and fashion parade, donating thousands to a variety of local charities. But as they say, there is no place like home, and it really does make a difference being able to utilise our own space back at the Community Centre.

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our new office bearers elected at the recent AGM, and hope that with the new year coming we will be able to continue our efforts together with fundraising, creating items to sell at our stalls, supporting our community, and espousing all the values of the Country Women’s Association.

If you are interested in being a part of the largest women’s organisation in Australia, please come along to CWA Galston’s next meeting on Wednesday 9th November at 10am at the Galston Health and Community Centre.

For more information please contact Jann 0439 222 217 or Debbie 0414 918 467. | [email protected]