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Cumberland Orchid Circle inc.

The next meeting of the Cumberland Orchid Circle will be on Wednesday 22 nd February 2017 in Barton Hall, which is situated in Gough Drive (off David Road), Castle Hill. The meeting will start at 8.00pm and will last approx 2.0 hrs. At the meeting, orchids in bloom will be benched for a monthly point score competition. The guest speaker for February Bill Dobson will talk demonstrate the repotting of Dendrobium speciosum, the Rock Lily.

At each meeting there is a sales table selling plants brought along by members, in addition to accessories used for orchid culture. During our supper interval, there will be time to “compare notes” and seek advice from other members.

Visitors & new members are always welcome. For more information, contact the Circle’s Publicity Officer on 9481 8895.