galston community news

Cumberland Orchid Circle inc.

The next meeting of the Cumberland Orchid Circle will be on Wednesday 23 rd November 2016 in Barton Hall, which is situated in Gough Drive (off David Road), Castle Hill. As our November meeting will be the last meeting for the year it will be our Annual Point Score winner’s presentation night and Christmas Party. The Committee has invited representatives from other Orchid Societies, Judges from our Shows & Display, Guest Speakers we have enjoyed during the year and people who have helped us during the past year to come and celebrate with us. We also hope to have a representative from the Westmead Hospital Medical Research Foundation present to which we would donate the proceeds of the raffles held during our shows & display. The committee would like to extend an invitation to not only our Members but also their partners, family and friends to join us on Wednesday, 23 rd November 2016 for this festive occasion. The young children or grandchildren of our members are very welcome at this party.

It is intended to have a short meeting starting at 8.00pm to commence the evening, and then break for our party. The Annual Point Score presentation will be performed at an appropriate time during the evening.

There will be no point score competition this night. Instead Members are asked to bring 1 or 2, at the most, plants to bench for a popular vote prize. There will be no open, or novice sections. There will also be a lucky door prize for one lady and one gentleman present.