galston community news

Congratulations To Our Class Of 2020

By Craig Hingston

The publication of the HSC results provides us with a wonderful opportunity to thank our Class of 2020 for their outstanding progress and achievements across all levels of their learning…not just in the classrooms but also in their character development, their faith journey, their talents and gifts, and in external areas such as community service.

Pacific Hills is a comprehensive non-selective School seeking to honour and serve God in all that we do – including academic skills and giftings.

The HSC cohort of 2020 included 134 students of which 15 were from our Year 11 Augustine Acceleration program. There were 32 HSC courses on offer and 94% of subjects were at or above State average. These fine results are a testimony to the hard work and perseverance of students and staff, with the support of parents, in what has been a challenging year.


  • The top ATAR at PHCS was 99.05. This was achieved by Lachlan Vos.
  • Sharni Selzer was mentioned on the Premier’s All-Round Achievers List for achieving more than 90% in all of her courses.
  • 21% of students received an ATAR above 90 (24 students).
  • 42% of students received an ATAR of above 80.
  • Lachlan Vos was first in the State in Engineering Studies.

Lachlan plans to pursue a career in electrical engineering, just like his father, and will study at UNSW.

“One thing that has intrigued me for years about engineering is its ability to explain the man made world around us, and how inventions and innovations enable us to live more convenient and more enjoyable lives. I’m generally quite a curious person, particular in how things work, so engineering just makes so much sense for me as a career pathway. I love cars and all things related so would love to go into engineering related to this passion of mine. I’d also love to enter a career helping people through engineering, such as medical or safety, as these would be incredibly rewarding.”

Distinguished Achievers List

  • 37 students achieved 78 Band 6 results (or Band E4) and were mentioned on the Distinguished Achievers List.
  • 27% of Year 12 students received Band 6 results in at least one of their subjects.
  • 15 Augustine students who studied Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and Chemistry received 12 mentions on the Distinguished Achievers List (Band 6 or E4 results).

Once again, Pacific Hills has ranked in the top 150 schools in NSW.

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