galston community news

The Rotary Club of Greater Hills

The Rotary Club of Greater Hills is collecting non perishable food for Hawkesbury Helping Hands. The food can be dropped off under the Christmas tree in the foyer of The Galston Club in July and August.

Hawkesbury’s Helping Hands was established in 2011 by Cassidy Strickland, then 8, who after witnessing a hungry man rummaging through her family bin for food, decided at that very moment to do something and that food and dignity was something she could try and help with and so along with her mum Linda, HHH was born. Giving a helping hand to people in their community with no judgment.

For over 9 years, every day of the week, Hawkesbury’s Helping Hands Inc has supported those experiencing homelessness or at risk homelessness. Providing love, care, kindness, food, toiletries, clothing, shoes, blankets, sleeping bags, tents, swags, pet supplies also advice on services available and if possible, support with accommodation.

Rotary Book Fair UpdateFree meals are served Saturday and Sunday evenings in a local park. To date over 500, 000 meals of food have been served.

Currently they are supplying over 400 breakfasts weekly in three different schools through our “Breakfast Club – Fuel for Learning” programme, soon to be expanding into two more schools. In 2020 over 16,000 breakfasts were served in three schools and 12,000 school lunches made and provided.

They also work alongside and support many other charities and organisations, and work closely with numerous agencies, who often refer their clients to us.

But most importantly they are here to let people know, that someone cares, truly cares, offering help, kindness and dignity 365 days of the year!